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My distance/speed isn’t RIGHT

Our app does not have its own GPS system but uses the GPS in your smartphone. The app receives distance and speed from your phone. GPS chips (especially in smartphones) are not 100% accurate.


Depending on your running conditions (between trees or buildings, next to a watercourse, your smartphone in your pocket, …) you will see that your smartphone does not follow your run path exactly, shows outliers or short periods without signal. This also causes deviations in the calculation of your speed and distance.

There is also a difference between devices, your GPS simply does not tell the exact truth. Even with a ‘perfect’ signal, deviations in distance and therefore also in speed are normal. So do not be too critical of your GPS reception.


In case of large deviations, where your distance remains much too high or much too low, you can dig deeper into the settings of your device. It can sometimes take some searching.

  • Always turn off battery saver
  • Turn off WiFi while running, or try it with WiFi
  • Turn on your data… or off
  • Turn off your device completely for a few minutes and restart it fresh


Smartphone manufacturers focus on battery life. That is why they often turn down the GPS reception or even turn it off when your screen goes off.

You may be able to fix a few things using these tips. Settings under ‘Samsung’ can often be found on other Android devices.

Still having problems? Contact the manufacturer via their customer service. They are often very happy to help you.

Samsung (and other brands)


  • Go to your phone settings – ‘Location’ – ‘Improve Accuracy’ and experiment with the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings switched on (often a rough location determination) and off (only use the GPS chip signal but, if the GPS signal is lost, no location will be detected).
  • Go to your phone settings – Connections – Location – Locating Method – select ‘High Accuracy’. If the signal strength changes often when running or varies significantly, try ‘Phone Only’ (only use the GPS chip signal but, if the GPS signal is lost, no location will be detected).
  • Go to your phone settings – Apps – three dots in the top right corner – select ‘Special Access’ – select ‘Optimize Battery Usage’ – find our app in the list of ‘All Apps’ and make sure it is not selected.
  • Go to your phone settings – ‘Device Care/Maintenance’ – ‘Battery’ – select ‘Sleeping Apps’ and then’Always Sleeping Apps’ – if our app is in the list, hold the app name until it is selected – select ‘’.
  • Go to your phone settings – ‘Device Care/Maintenance’ – ‘Battery’ – select’Unmonitored Apps’ or ‘App Power Management’ and then ‘Apps that won’t be put to sleep’ – select ‘Add Apps’ – select our app from the list and then ‘Add’.

extra settings

  • Go to your phone settings – ‘Device Care/Maintenance’ – ‘Battery’ -three dots at the top right corner – Advanced – disable ‘Optimize Settings’, ‘Auto Optimisation’, ‘App Power Monitor’, ‘Adaptive Battery’, ‘Put unused apps to sleep’.
  • Go to your phone settings – ‘Device Care/Maintenance’ – ‘Battery’ – select’Power Mode’ – select ‘High Performance’ or at least ‘Optimized’ and disable ‘Adaptive Power Saving’.


Go to your phone settings – apps – select ‘Advanced’ (at the bottom) – select ‘Ignore Optimizations’ – select ‘Allowed’ and ‘All Apps’ – find our app in the list and select ‘Allow’.

General hints

Settings for closing apps

Battery saver
NOTE: do the inverse of the recommendations to keep your apps ‘alive’



Go to your phone settings – ‘Additional Settings’ – ‘Battery & Performance’ – ‘Manage Apps’ Battery Usage’ – select ‘Apps’ and select our app.
Also go to your phone settings – ‘Additional Settings’ – ‘Privacy’ – ‘Location’. Select ‘High Accuracy’ and allow location access.
Also go to your phone settings – Apps – our app and change the settings to allow us GPS access in the background.


Go to your phone settings – select ‘Battery’ – select the menu at the top right corner > select ‘Battery Optimization’ – select ‘Apps’ – select our app.


Go to your phone settings – ‘Battery & Power Saving’ – select ‘Battery Usage’ – ‘Ignore Optimizations’ – enable the setting to ignore optimization for our app.

One Plus

Go to your phone settings – select ‘Battery’ – select ‘Battery Optimization’ – go to the ‘All Apps’ list (menu at the top) – select our app and then ‘Don’t Optimize’.


Go to your phone settings – select ‘Battery’ – select the menu at the top right corner > select ‘Battery Optimization’ – select ‘Not Optimized’ and then ‘All Apps’ – find our app in this list and select ‘Don’t Optimize’.


  • The following tip is a user tip. We recommend first trying the Samsung settings.
    One of our users has informed us that his Nokia problems were solved after he installed this app:
    Enabling ‘Partial Wake Lock’ in this app solved his problems in both Strava and our app.